chime of wrens coaching


It’s harvest time.  Time to enjoy the rewards of lots of hard work put in, over many months. It was the end of January when I sowed my tomato seeds. Days were short, and it was cold. I had to give the seeds warmth to germinate. When they did, I had to protect the seedlings […]

Reaping rewards

If striving for perfection is holding you back, ask yourself this question.

What does ‘good enough’ look like for you?

Some reflections on what confidence is – and what it isn’t.

Confidence. What is it?

No. It’s a small word but has big power.

No. Yes – it really is ok to say it.

Are you unsure what coaching is and whether it’s right for you? I have answers…

What is coaching? (and other frequently asked questions)

A simple question. And yet it’s often very hard to answer.

What is it that you want?

My veg garden taught me some good life lessons this month…

Life lessons from the garden

When was the last time you paused and thought about this question?

What’s most important to you?


When I saw this ladybird tucked away in this little space in the lid of mycompost bin, my first thought was, “What a great place to hibernate without being disturbed” (until someone like me comes along and opens the lid). My second thought was…

The difference between a hiding place and a safe space

Is it too late to be talking about new year’s resolutions in the middle of January? I personally don’t think so.

A new year’s resolution revolution